Civil juristic acts that should be performed by the principal himself, pursuant to legal provisions or the agreement between the two parties, shall not be entrusted to an agent. 依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定,应当由本人实施的民事法律行为,不得代理。
Article 68 If in the principal's interests an entrusted agent needs to transfer the agency to another person, he shall first obtain the principal's consent. 第六十八条委托代理人为被代理人的利益需要转托他人代理的,应当事先取得被代理人的同意。
Article 67 If an agent is aware that the matters entrusted are illegal but still carries them out, or if a principal is aware that his agent's acts are illegal but fails to object to them, the principal and the agent shall be held jointly liable. 第六十七条代理人知道被委托代理的事项违法仍然进行代理活动的,或者被代理人知道代理人的代理行为违法不表示反对的,由被代理人和代理人负连带责任。
Any expense necessary for handling the entrusted affair advanced by the agent shall be repaid with interest by the principal. 受托人为处理委托事务垫付的必要费用,委托人应当偿还该费用及其利息。
Certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent by all the shareholders; 全体股东指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明;
The application for registration can be filed directly or by an entrusted agent. 登记申请可以直接办理,也可以委托他人代理。
An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal. 委托代理人按照被代理人的委托行使代理权。
Zhao zhengbin, counsel and the entrusted agent of the supplementary civil action, is a lawyer of Yijia law firm of Bejing municipality. 辩护人暨附带民事诉讼委托代理人赵正彬,北京亿嘉律师事务所律师。
Where the agency appointment contract is terminated or the entrusted affair is not capable of being completed due to any reason not attributable to the agent, the principal shall pay to the agent an appropriate amount of remuneration. 因不可归责于受托人的事由,委托合同解除或者委托事务不能完成的,委托人应当向受托人支付相应的报酬。
A payer's agent, that is to say, the entrusted agent of the payer, refers to a financial institute such as a bank or a credit union that is entrusted by the payer to pay for the negotiable instrument. 代理付款人即付款人的委托代理人,是指根据付款人的委托代为支付票据金额的银行、信用合作社等金融机构。
Ditto with entrusted loans, where a bank acts as an agent on a third-party loan between a depositor and a borrower. 在委托贷款中,银行也只是在储户与借款人之间的第三方贷款中充当中间人。
My entrusted agent has no right of sub-entrustment. 代理人无转委托权,特此委托。
Where the application of registration of changes of a wholly individually-owned enterprise is entrusted to an agent, the power of attorney issued by the investor and certificates of identity and qualification shall be submitted. 委托代理人申请变更登记的,应当提交投资人的委托书和代理人的身份证明或者资格证明。
In order to avoid malignant competition and ensure your chance of gaining profit, each product is just entrusted to one agent in singapore. 为了避免恶性竞争,每种产品在新加坡只授权一家代理,保证您们的盈利。
Organization of the close relative of party, lawyer, society and party place unit turn the person that put, and the other company that allows via people court can be entrusted to be litigant agent, this offerred sufficient convenient condition for benefit of party exercise suit. 当事人的近亲属、律师、社会团体和当事人所在单位推存的人,以及经人民法院许可的其他公司都可以被委托为诉讼代理人,这为当事人行使诉讼利提供了充分的方便条件。
The Customs formalities concerning declaration of inward and outward articles and payment of duties on them may be completed either by the owner or By a person the owner has entrusted to act as his agent 进出境物品的所有人可以自行办理报关纳税手续,也可以委托他人办理报关纳税手续
This export credit project is entrusted to the Bank of China as the acting bank, and its commercial agent is the China Electronics Import and Export Corporation. 这个出口信贷项目委托中国银行为代理银行,商务代理为中国电子进出口总公司。
Double-entrusted Responsibility Accounting is the new branch of Responsibility Accounting. Today, the relationship between principal and agent is more complex, and the double-entrusted responsibility is heavier than before. 双重受托责任会计是责任会计的新发展,在当前委托&代理关系日趋复杂、双重受托责任日益繁重的情况下,研究双重受托责任会计具有十分重要的现实意义。
In the modern company, surplus demands power and the surplus domination, the two power separation produced entrusted the agent question. 现代公司中剩余索取权和剩余控制权的两权分离产生了委托代理问题。
Nevertheless, the management performance of construction agent system is improved not based on the conventional entrusted agent theory but relied on a new project governance theory. 然而,政府投资项目代建管理绩效的改善要基于新的项目治理理论范式而不是传统的委托代理理论。
On the basis of corporation ownership, managers are in control of the realistic capital of corporations, and the previous entrusted agent relationship has been replaced by the entrusted agent relationship of corporation capital. 在法人所有基础上经营者掌握了公司法人现实资本的控制权,经营者与传统的个人资本家的委托代理关系转变为法人资本的委托代理关系。
In the event corporate governance structure fails to be improved in the short term, the ways such as improving the control and appraisal systems for State-owned Enterprises or experimenting with charges being entrusted to an agent by governments, should work in escalating demands for high-quality audit. 在公司治理结构无法在短期内完善的情况下,可以通过完善对国有企业的监管考评体系或试行政府部门委托付费等途径提升对高质量审计的需求。
The product of firm was sold by its sale department, and the sale department entrusted an agent with a part of the product. 企业生产出来的产品是由营销部门进行销售,但营销部门不完全是直接与消费者进行交换,而是把一部分产品委托给代理商进行销售。
The trust company becomes offbeat financing bank which practice "usury". The philosophy and purpose of the trust law gradually go from "to be entrusted, to be finance management agent". 信托公司成为放高利贷的另类融资银行,信托逐渐脱离信托受人之托,代人理财的信托法理念和宗旨。
If we place it in the field of economics to analysis, we will find that the Pharmacy Trusteeship is based on the theory of Entrusted Agency. The hospital is the entrusting party while the pharmaceutical company is the agent. 药房托管原为管理学的概念,但若要放置于经济学的领域进行分析,可发现药房托管的理论基础是委托代理理论,医院是委托方,医药公司为代理方。